Proof sheets photography L2

Today in photography we made proof sheets. These sheets help to explain many images effectively and easily by noting down how I could improve my composition elements and lighting through editing or when taking the physical photos. Some examples of this on my sheets are how I could experiment with the exposure on the top image of where the photo is blurred or how I could add other subjects that are bright to the image of a laneway were it is all white. There are many other examples of this on the sheets to look at!

Here are my proof sheets:




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Mood boards, photography 3/2/2025

Hi readers, in my class today our task was to create some mood boards, here are my mood boards. I have shown examples from Man Ray, Sally Mann, Boyd Webb, Ansel Adams, Uta Barth and Megan Jenkinson.
Man Ray is a fashion and portrait photographer, he is also renowned for his photograms or as he calls them “rayograms”.
Sally Mann is an American photographer who loved to take images of childhood and sexuality. She was introduced to photography by her father Robert Munger.
Boyd Webb is a New Zealand-born photographer who works in the United Kingdom, his photographs are very unique, he is known for his photos of very different scenarios.
Ansel Adams was a American landscape photographer known for his black-and-white images of the American West.
Uta Barth was a German-American photographer who focused on empty spaces or fragments in her photos.
Megan Jenkinson is one of New Zealand’s leading photographers who focuses on reflections and mythic subjects.

Thanks for reading!

17 Sustainable Development Goals project

For the last couple of weeks in social studies, we have been learning about 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We made a project about one of the goals, number 14 life below water. We made a world in Minecraft where we showed the distribution of fishing (overfishing), we showed how they fish the oceans and then when they sell the fish (at the fish and chip shop). Here is the link to the video:


Tsunamis form by earthquakes below the ocean floor creating waves that radiate in all directions away from where the earthquake was. The focus is the point inside the earth where the earthquake started and the point on the surface above the focus is called the epicenter.

Example of a recent tsunami: On 5 March 2021, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake occurred in the Kermadec-Tonga, it made a minor tsunami that affected Norfolk Island and New Zealand. Major evacuations were carried out along the New Zealand coast in Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, and Gisborne following tsunami warnings.


House designs: To withstand tsunamis they use reinforced concrete or steel-frame structures, they design structures to let the water flow through so it doesn’t damage the house.


Earthquakes and tsunamis blog:

Method: first we made the frame out of Lego using a staggered technique to make it stronger, then we made the roof using the same technique but we also put pins between the blocks to make it even stronger. We also taped it to make it waterproof and we added a sunroof so that you could see the person inside.

It survived 25 cm of water level (the highest level) and the person inside didn’t get wet. Unfortunately, we don’t have a photo of the results.

I think our house did well because we made legs that held it in the sand and we also used the sandbags that we made to help stop the water. Also, we waterproofed our house with tape so the person inside didn’t get a drop of water on him.

The experiment went really well our house survived really well from the tsunami, next time I think we should change the size of the container that we put the houses in so we can really test the houses properly.

rock cycle research

3 main types of rocks: Igneous – Made from lava. Sedimentary – Made for layers of something. Metamorphic – Made underground from lots of heat and pressure.


Coal: Coal is formed when dead plant stuff is submerged in swamp environments. It’s formed when dead plant matter is submerged in swamp environments. Coal takes millions of years to form and the uses for coal are things like cement production, tars, synthetic petroleum-based fuels, and home and commercial heating.

Coal is the largest source of energy for generating electricity in the world, also each person in the U.S. uses 3.4 tons of coal annually.


Pumice: Pumice is formed from lava. It forms when lava with a very high content of water and gases is discharged from a volcano it also forms very quickly once it is discharged. It’s used for construction as well as in early medicine.

It contains a lot of empty gas bubbles, so it is very light and looks quite like a sponge. It also contains a lot of empty gas bubbles, so it is very light and looks rather like a sponge.


Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, symbolising the spiritual victory of light over darkness or good over evil. There are dances performed to traditional music during Diwali. There are 8 different dances; Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Kathakali, Sattriya, Manipuri and Mohiniyattam. Here are some Indian musical instruments sitar, Sarod and the Tambura.

giant plates

Aim: To see how heat makes things rise.

Method: Cut the top off a teabag and pour the contents on the table then make the teabag paper in a circle then put it on top of the tea leaves. Then grab a lighter and light the top of the teabag paper and it will rise with the heat from the fire.

Results: The tea bag raised up almost to the roof and we saw how the heat makes things rise.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I think that it was quite a cool experiment and I understand how heat rises a bit more.

DNA extraction experiment

Aim: The aim was to extract and see the DNA from the banana.


1. mush 1/3 banana (no skin) in a zip lock bag with a splash of water and a teaspoon of salt.

2.strain the solution though a cloth into a beaker.

3.Add a squit of dishwashing liquid and stir

4.pour into test tube

5.leave the test tube in a beaker filled with warm water.

6.leave for 10 minutes

7.slowly pour 5ml of ethanol down the inside of the testube


Results: The results were that we saw the small strands of dna from the banana in the test tube.

Discussion: DNA is made of nucleotides DNA is located in the cell called nucleus, humans share 60% with bananas.

Concution: I think that we could have looked at it under the microscope next time.

netball world cup

The netball world cup is being held in cape town from 28th July to 6th.

These are all the countries competing:

Pool A: Australia, Tonga, Zimbabwe, Fiji.
Pool B: England, Malawi, Scotland, Barbados.
Pool C: Jamaica, South Africa, Wales, Sri Lanka.
Pool D: New Zealand, Uganda, Trinidad and Tobago, Singapore.

Who were the top 4 countries at the last world cup?

New Zealand