dawn raids

  1. The police and the Polynesians were involved in the dawn raids.
  2. The dawn raids happened from 1973 to 1979.
  3. The dawn raids took place in the north island.
  4. Pacific islanders were told to leave their homes, the Pacific islanders started protesting against the government and they were treated as gangs.
  5. It happened because the government thought the Pacific islanders were stealing all the jobs and they were on expired visas.
  6. The outcomes were the government listened and stopped the raids in 1979.

2 thoughts on “dawn raids

  1. Hi Luke

    Thanks for sharing your work. You answered the questions with details from the film and in full sentences. Next time think about including an introduction to tell your audience what work you are sharing.

    – Miss Birtch

  2. Hello Luke,

    Nice blog you have there. uh the dawn raids definitely seem like something you wouldn’t want to experience and you described it really well.

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