Health Discovery task

In Health, we have been doing a creative task which is part of our Discovery unit for the last couple of weeks. I am in a group with Frank and myself. The topic that I chose was gaming and how it’s good and bad. Firstly we had to make a plan with six big questions our questions were: What are the long-term effects of gaming on mental health?  Why would someone not be strongly for or against this issue/topic? What happens to your well-being when you play video games? Why is it harmful? When and how did this issue come about? What will it do to your brain? From there we chose to create the controller to show how gaming can affect you positively and negatively. We created 6 strategies to overcome issues with gaming. 


It was challenging when we were making the shape of the controller. We coped with the challenge by looking at photos of the ps5 controller. I worked well with my teammate because I was doing this blog and helping Frank build the controller. I am proud of how it turned out.

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